Black History Month special: Do The Right Thing

Black History Month special: Do The Right Thing

Spike Lee, USA 1989. 120mins. Certificate 18

Introduced by Kaleem Aftab, film journalist and Spike Lee’s biographer + Pass the Comb, introduced by the Writer-directors Abi Lawal and Duval Akonor

Spike Lee delivers a witty and powerful critique of race relations in America that still packs as big a punch today as it did when it burst onto the scene over 20 years ago, wowing audiences and sparking heated debate.

It’s the hottest day of the year and in one Brooklyn neighbourhood Mookie (Spike Lee) is going about his job as delivery boy for Sal’s Pizzeria. Tensions are running high and insults fly between the black, Korean and Italian residents on his block. As the heat rises so does the anger, and Mookie is left at the centre of a tide of rage that explodes – with tragic consequences for all involved.

We are delighted that Kaleem Aftab, author of Spike Lee: That’s My Story and I’m Sticking to It will be there to introduce this iconic film and celebrate Spike Lee’s cinema.

★★★★★ ‘Do the Right Thing is living, breathing, riveting proof of the arrival of an abundantly gifted new talent.’ NEW YORK TIMES

★★★★ “This is radical filmmaking at its best; it’ll have you arguing — and laughing — all the way home.” WASHINGTON POST

★★★★ “A devastating portrait of black America pushed to the limit… There’s only one way to do the wrong thing about Do the Right Thing: that would be to ignore it.” ROLLING STONE

★★★★ “I have been given only a few filmgoing experiences in my life to equal the first time I saw “Do the Right Thing.” Most movies remain up there on the screen. Only a few penetrate your soul.” ROGER EBERT’S GREAT MOVIES

Pass The Comb

Pass the Comb

PASS THE COMB is a short film telling the story of a young brother in conflict and his older sisters calming influence using the cultural tradition of braiding hair.

We are really excited to have writer-directors Abi Lawal and Duval Akonor join us to introduce their film and answer your questions.

Screened with thanks to Dandy Theatre Associates, Charley Jai & Zone 180

Golden Lion, 116 Sydenham Road SE26 5JX
7.30pm Tuesday 29 October 2013
£5 on the door